Simple Clap Switch using a clap sensor :
So hey guy's back to a new article I have come with another New project.
And in this project we will make a simple clap switch using a clap sensor module. Yeah using a clap sensor module
Components Needed -:
1. Arduino Uno
2. Sound sensor
As you know there are so many ways to make a clap switch, We know we can also make using hardware parts such as transistors or ICs. And there is also another way you can also make Clap Switch using Arduino.
And as you know there are so many circuit diagrams is available on Google But most of these circuit diagrams are quite difficult. So not everyone can make a clap switch. Even my friend was facing a problem with making a clap switch. So why not I thought to make a simple clap switch just with the help of Arduino and sound sensor module.
And yes, I worked on it. Here you can see the circuit diagram.
Pretty simple isn't it?
And talking about its work or not?
Yes, it works 100%
In a circuit diagram as you can see I connected a small LED
Now you must be having in mind how will you run a 220 volt AC application. it simply just you want to connect a 5-volt relay even if you don't have a 5-volt relay then you can use BT136 Triac.
And big thanks to pcbway to sponsored my video.
If you do not know, PCB way is PCB way manufacturing company in China you can order your high-quality custom PCB for just $5 from pcbway All you have to do is upload the Gerber file. If you don't have a file then don't worry about it. I will attach a link to some Gerber files. So you can download this file and you and order your custom PCB easily.
And if you want to order your custom made PCB then at the end of this video I told you how you can order your custom PCB in 8 steps.
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And if you are facing any problem to make a clap then don't forget to watch YouTube video. So this will make you easier to make a clap switch.
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